January is Glaucoma Awareness Month
Category: Personal Care Topics
Glaucoma can develop at any age, but its incidence is six times higher in people over 60 compared to other age groups.
Category: Personal Care Topics
Glaucoma can develop at any age, but its incidence is six times higher in people over 60 compared to other age groups.
Category: Personal Care Topics
For Bay Area Chinese speakers over 55 years of age, the Aging Mastery Program in Chinese is an opportunity to discuss and learn about topics that may be uppermost...
Category: Personal Care Topics
Chun Wei Wu, a registered nurse with On Lok, offers valuable insights on how diet and nutrition can help manage cholesterol levels.
Category: News
In the wintertime, I look forward to gathering with family and friends around our traditional holiday dishes and celebrating together the many blessings in our lives. We have so much to be grateful for; and speaking on behalf of all of us at On Lok, we could not be more thankful to you for your continued support of our work. Your generosity has been critical to our success and will be even more so in the coming months.
Category: 30th Street Senior Center
Working as a taxi driver in San Francisco, Ed enjoyed chatting with the seniors he would regularly drive to and from On Lok 30th Street Senior Center. During these conversations, he learned about the On Lok Mission Nutrition meals program.