Latest from On Lok

Laugh it up: It’s good for you
Category: Mental Health
Laughter really is good medicine! It may improve blood flow to the heart, boost your immune system and trigger the release of feel-good chemicals that can temporarily relieve pain, stress, and anxiety.

San Francisco’s Diverse Senior Population
Category: 30th Street Senior Center
With San Francisco's aging population becoming more diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, culture and socioeconomic status, the need for culturally competent senior services is becoming increasingly important.
On Lok Lifeways Dr. Charlotte Carlson Selected As Scholar For “EMERGING LEADERS IN AGING” Program
Dr. Charlotte Carlson, associate medical director at On Lok Lifeways, has been selected as a Scholar for the second cohort of the Tideswell at UCSF, American Geriatrics...

Seniors and Technology
Category: Personal Care Topics
Not only do seniors make up one of the fastest growing segments of the U.S. population, but they’re also one of the fastest growing groups to embrace technology.